Software Apprenticeship Podcast Update

13 Jun 2014

Episode 4 “Time to Exercise!” is out right now! Search for it on your favorite podcast app or check out our free temp website here:

With 4 weeks under his belt (plus 9 weeks of Dev Bootcamp) our apprentice, Jonathan Howden, continues his quest to become an enterprise software developer at an amazingly rapid pace.  Can a dedicated man become a good developer without a college degree?  Tune in and find out (spoiler: he’s doing well but it’s intense) 

Topics this week:

Yesterday we all sat in a room and reviewed Jon’s chess code (his outside of work coding project).  I’ll try to put up a more detailed article about it soon, but in brief it went well.  It’s fun to watch a junior developer try to encode all the crazy logic of chess while keeping the code clean, tested, and understandable.  Other than making the classic mistake of mocking/stubbing the very object he was testing, Jon has some pretty readable code that will “mostly” let 2 people play chess against each other.

Episode 5’s in the can (on the SSD?) and we’re recording episode 6 later today with Dave Hoover, co-founder of Dev Bootcamp.  Jonathan attended Chicago’s DBC in September of 2013 so Dave will get to check in with how Jon is doing in the “wild.”  Also, Dave and I worked at both ThoughtWorks and Obtiva together so it should be quite an interesting conversation.

I really wanted this to be a weekly podcast but here we are at the end of the 9th week and only recording our 6th ep.  Now that we’ve been through the recording and editing  process a few times it should be easier to stick to a weekly schedule.  Even if we weren’t recording the conversation I would still have a weekly wrap up with members of the team and the apprentice — it is a very nice way to sum up the week and lessons learned.  It’s sort of a weekly, recorded, low stakes retrospective.

The views and opinions expressed here are my own and don’t necessarily represent positions, strategies, or opinions of Backstop Solutions Group.